Wow... what a crazy couple weeks it's been. I know for me it's been a roller coaster of emotions. This week seems to be getting into a routine of a new normal for now.
One emotion that many of us have been feeling is fear. I’d like to take a minute to discuss how fear affects our health. When we experience feelings of fear, anxiety and worry it engages our fight-flight response. Our body goes into protection mode. When our body is in protection mode, it has many affects on our body. Two affects that especially relevant at this time are: 1. Weakens your immune response (we certainly don’t want that) 2. Decreases cognitive function and rational thinking (hence the toilet paper craze!) Your thoughts produce your feelings. (STOP reading and process that statement.) You don’t have control of what’s going on in the world but you DO have control of how you respond. Control the controllable has been my mantra the last couple weeks. Be mindful of what media you’re consuming. Search for creditable platforms other than the news to stay informed. Otherwise watch something that makes you happy and laugh! There are 2 things I have been focusing on that have helped me create positive feelings and reduce stress. First is gratitude. The slower pace and simplicity of life has helped me to find more gratitude in my life. Continue to focus on this. If it helps, write down 5 things you’re grateful for each day. Find the small things in your day to day life until you truly feel grateful. The second is connection. Connect with yourself. Connect with nature. Connect with your loved ones. Value and be intentional with this family time. Reach out to friends and family through phone calls, texts, video call… heck, even snail mail a note! Connection with others will uplift them but it will also fill YOU up. We are here to support you during this time. Please reach out with any question or concerns. We will all get through this together!
AuthorDr. Emily Hauck is a chiropractor, a mom and a runner in Hastings, MN. CategoriesArchives
May 2022