Let me explain...
Typically, when patients first come to our office, they have some type of health concern. Based on their exam results, I give recommendations for care to help improve the patient's symptoms and help their nervous system function optimally. After completing their initial care plan, the patient has a choice to continue with wellness care. Most of our patients experience improvement with their initial symptoms, but they also notice other positive changes such as better sleep, less anxiety, more energy, better mobility and less illness. So, with that being said, many of our patients continue with some frequency of care to help maintain the positive changes we made and help them STAY healthy. Because let's face it, it's a lot easier to stay healthy rather than having to regain your health once it's lost. BUT ultimately, it's up to you! It's our job as the doctor to give our recommendations but it's up to you if you want to follow them! So, no... once you go to a chiropractor, you don't have to go forever. We're ready to help you for however long you'd like to benefit! :)
![]() I get it... being a mom is hard on our body! Pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, holding babies and kids, lifting babies and kids and so much more. That tension in the upper back and neck is a real thing for us moms and can lead to other things such as headaches, poor sleep, and certainly can affect our mood. 👎 Chiropractic care can be so helpful in reducing muscle tension and allowing the body to heal and function the way it's supposed to! If you're a busy mom (and what mom isn't busy!), you don't have time to not feel well. Give us a call today to see how chiropractic care can help you! 😊 651-319-0542 ![]() During pregnancy, your body is experiencing so many changes. Both hormonal changes and weight bearing changes can lead to many different pregnancy related symptoms. Being uncomfortable doesn't have to be part of the pregnancy process! We helping Hastings area mamas navigate their prenatal journey. We provide personalized support for this incredible time in your life! Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care include: - Less discomfort - Better mobility - Improved sleep - Optimal baby positioning - Smoother birth -Easier postpartum recovery Ready to get started? Call us today! 651-319-0542 ![]() Today the health of our children is at the forefront of every parent, teacher, and health provider’s mind. But even with children’s health being our top priority, there are still concerning statistics released every year. Currently, 1 in every 6 children in the U.S. between the ages of 2–8 has been diagnosed with a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.2 There are 6.4 million American children between the ages of 4-17 who have been diagnosed with ADHD.3 And childhood obesity rates continue to rise and are now at 18.5%.1 These stats are just one of the many reasons that we are so passionate about seeing children in our office. Despite our community reputation, we do see grown-ups as well! But there’s not a day that goes by without our office being filled with laughing, running, happy, healthy kids. At Hauck Chiropractic, we see kids coming in for a wide array of reasons. Overall wellness support, help with immune systems, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, sports-related injuries and focus issues. Our primary goal is to get their nervous system functioning at its very best which sets them up for a brighter future. We cannot remove the everyday stressors in a child’s life, but we can help their body better adapt to those stressors. The health improvements we see when children are under our care is motivation enough, but the changes we witness in family dynamics also fuels our passion. Having a child that struggles with any health concern can add a lot of stress to a family, and we’ve seen many times how hard it can be to navigate those difficult waters. At Hauck Chiropractic, we do not take that responsibility lightly and are extremely honored to serve every child and parent that walks through our doors. To all of our parents: thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s health journey. By seeking out natural options to maximize your family’s quality of life, you are teaching your children the power of proactive health one day at a time. Please take a moment to pat yourself on the back and remember that you are giving your child such a gift and we are here rooting you on from the sidelines! Anyone else feel like it’s been an emotional roller coaster these past few months?? I’ve certainly had my fair share of emotional ups and downs. I wanted to share what patterns I’ve found that have helped me stay in a more positive emotional state.
Wow... what a crazy couple weeks it's been. I know for me it's been a roller coaster of emotions. This week seems to be getting into a routine of a new normal for now.
One emotion that many of us have been feeling is fear. I’d like to take a minute to discuss how fear affects our health. When we experience feelings of fear, anxiety and worry it engages our fight-flight response. Our body goes into protection mode. When our body is in protection mode, it has many affects on our body. Two affects that especially relevant at this time are: 1. Weakens your immune response (we certainly don’t want that) 2. Decreases cognitive function and rational thinking (hence the toilet paper craze!) Your thoughts produce your feelings. (STOP reading and process that statement.) You don’t have control of what’s going on in the world but you DO have control of how you respond. Control the controllable has been my mantra the last couple weeks. Be mindful of what media you’re consuming. Search for creditable platforms other than the news to stay informed. Otherwise watch something that makes you happy and laugh! There are 2 things I have been focusing on that have helped me create positive feelings and reduce stress. First is gratitude. The slower pace and simplicity of life has helped me to find more gratitude in my life. Continue to focus on this. If it helps, write down 5 things you’re grateful for each day. Find the small things in your day to day life until you truly feel grateful. The second is connection. Connect with yourself. Connect with nature. Connect with your loved ones. Value and be intentional with this family time. Reach out to friends and family through phone calls, texts, video call… heck, even snail mail a note! Connection with others will uplift them but it will also fill YOU up. We are here to support you during this time. Please reach out with any question or concerns. We will all get through this together! Join Dr. Emily as she explains what the most common causes of ear infections and give you natural solutions to help your child be ear infection free! |
AuthorDr. Emily Hauck is a chiropractor, a mom and a runner in Hastings, MN. CategoriesArchives
May 2022